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Week1A: My Template

    I was very excited to choose and adjust my theme for my blog. I have always dabbled for fun with website-building platforms such as Wix, Weebly, Shopify, etc. and have the most fun customizing a theme or layout to my liking and preference. My goal when editing a theme for a blog or website is to successfully convey the "vibe" or overall "feeling" of the type of content being represented; whether it is on a personal level, or a brand level. 

    For this specific course I thought it would be best to go with a simple theme layout in order to keep posts well organized and easily accessible. The large block styles used for the title of each blog post make it easy and clear to find any post, and I felt that the font style put a charming twist on a simple layout, engraining a bit of my personality within the blog for more than just functionality. 

    The colors chosen for my blog were mainly personal preference. I love the color maroon as I find it very calming and happy simultaneously. It isn't to dark which isn't necessarily good in my opinion for "eye catching" content, but it also isn't a very bright color either, as to not be over stimulating. I left the background white for simplicities sake and to balance out the large colorful blog titles. 

    When it comes to social media for personal use Facebook is the most popular platform used. Facebook currently has 2.7 billion users with ages ranging from 13-65+. Facebook has many features which allow its users to upload, create, and share content with the people they deem and accept as their "friends". It provides a simple and vast platform for people of  all different backgrounds, interests, and opinions to form together in groups and pages dedicated to these specific topics. It can also help families/loved ones who may live far apart keep connected or stay in the loop of each other's lives without having to be in regular or constant contact. Facebook's prompt for creating  a status is "What's on your mind?; encouraging the user to get personal right off the bat. Users can also stay connected via Facebooks messenger which is the platform's messaging system. 

    Instagram is the next most popular social media platform being used for personal use. The app is geared mainly toward photo sharing and users are encouraged to share their lives, interests, hobbies, etc. in photos. On Instagram users can "follow" each other in order to stay connected. While there is an option to add captions on photos, there is no "status" bar or groups to be joined like Facebook. Instagram also comes with it's own messaging system, which allows users to private message each other or create group chats. 

    For business use Facebook and Instagram also seem to be the leading platforms. With more users on these two sites than any others it makes sense for most businesses to target their audiences through these platforms. Facebook also has a feature called Facebook ads which allows businesses to strategically create and place ads in Facebook and or Instagram, while also providing extensive location, demographic and interest targeting. Facebook also has a feature called Facebook Pixel which allows businesses to track data on users who visit their pages, helping with targeting and retargeting. 


  1. I like the elegance of your theme. It is clean and simple. It doesn't distract with to much change. I also like the choice of title script. Since you use such a simple theme, I feel like it adds context to your blog, like a photo background might for other blogs.

  2. Hey there! Maroon is a very unique color. It's interesting that it is calming to you and how color can change our moods.


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