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Week 5 Part B

 When using Facebook to run a business page post reach is an important aspect of learning your target market. This tool allows you to see the number of individual people who have viewed the content on  your page during a specific variation of time. Post reach is a valuable asset because it can show you what types of content are gaining more engagement vs. the ones that may not be grabbing as much attention.  Having a high post reach is helpful when trying to gain new followers, reach more people, and make more sales. 

    Post engagement is when a user performs an actual action on a post on your page. This can include liking, sharing, commenting, etc. Post engagement is vital to the growth of a Facebook page due to the fact that higher engagement sets the post up to be see by more people thanks to Facebook's algorithm. It will allow you to reach more people, and to take note on which marketing tactics are working and which ones aren't. 

    Facebook insights allow you to take a look at the data complied from all of the users who have come into contact or interacted with your page. This can help you target your audience more efficiently by seeing the times of day that your posts are most popular, which type of content is gaining the most attraction, and what kind of people are being attracted to your page. With all of these analytics combined a helpful tool is created when using Facebook for business. 

Comment on: Clare's Digital Marketing 


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